Jiayi received his HBSc with High Distinction in Biochemistry and Pharmacology (2009) from the University of Toronto, and subsequently obtained his MD at the same school (Class of 2013). After finishing his residency at McMaster University (Class of 2018), he currently practices Plastic Surgery in the GTA. Read More

Manveen is a Family and Emergency Physician, and a Medical Officer with the Canadian Armed Forces where he holds the rank of Major. He is currently pursuing further training in Internal Medicine prior to service as a Specialist Medical Officer in the Royal Canadian Medical Service. Read More

Sameer received his HBSc with High Distinction in Human Biology in 2009 from the University of Toronto. He subsequently went on to complete his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) in 2013 as the only international student in his class at the University of Toronto, and one of the very few in the history of the Faculty of Medicine. After completing his Emergency Medicine Residency at UofT (Class of 2018), he is a Consultant ER Physician at the University Health Network. He also completed his Master’s in Public Health at Harvard University (Class of 2018) with an emphasis on Innovation and Quality improvement. Read More

Aly received his BComm with Distinction from the University of Toronto in 2012 and his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from INSEAD based in France and Singapore in 2016. As the author of the #1 College book on Amazon, Aly continues to energize and develop tens of thousands of current and aspiring University and College students through speaking engagements and mentorship. His internationally acclaimed book, “Your Guide to Succeed in University”, is an Award-Winner of the 2015 International Book Awards. He has worked with organizations and educational institutions across Canada and globally and makes his book fully accessible to students at no cost. He is also a Schwarzman Scholar from Tsinghua University. Read More